For semisimple Lie algebra targets
For discrete group targets
For discrete 2-group targets
For Lie 2-algebra targets
For targets extending the super Poincare Lie algebra
(such as the supergravity Lie 3-algebra, the supergravity Lie 6-algebra)
for higher abelian targets
for symplectic Lie n-algebroid targets
for the -structure on the BRST complex of the closed string:
higher dimensional Chern-Simons theory
topological AdS7/CFT6-sector
Topological Physics – Phenomena in physics controlled by the topology (often: the homotopy theory) of the physical system.
General theory:
In metamaterials:
For quantum computation:
The words “Chern–Simons theory” (after Shiing-shen Chern and James Simons who have their names attached to the Chern-Simons elements and Chern-Simons forms and Chern-Simons circle 3-bundle involved) can mean various things to various people, but it generally refers to the three-dimensional topological quantum field theory whose configuration space is the space of -principal bundles with connection on a bundle and whose Lagrangian is given by the Chern-Simons form of such a connection (for simply connected ), or rather, more generally, whose action functional is given by the higher holonomy of the Chern-Simons circle 3-bundle.
In other words, for a Lie group, Chern-Simons theory is a sigma-model TQFT whose target space is the smooth moduli stack of -principal connections, and whose background gauge field is a circle 3-bundle with connection on . The higher Chern class/Dixmier-Douady class of this three bundle is the level of the Chern-Simons theory. For semisimple this is the ∞-Chern-Simons theory induced from the canonical Chern-Simons element on a semisimple Lie algebra .
For the special case that is a discrete group the theory reduces to the (much simpler) Dijkgraaf-Witten theory.
The Chern-Simons TQFT was introduced in (Witten 1989).
The properties of the field configuration space of Chern-Simons theory depends on the properties of its gauge group . If is a simply connected Lie group, then the configuration space is isomorphic simply to the space of Lie algebra valued 1-forms on the given base manifold. Generally, though, it is given by -principal bundles with connection. We discuss the first case separately
For a simply connected Lie group we describe the basic setup of -Chern-Simons theory
Let be a semisimple Lie algebra and write for (some multiple of) its Killing form invariant polynomial (in the Weil algebra of ).
Notice that this is in transgression via a Chern-Simons element to (a multiple of) the canonical Lie algebra 3-cocycle
in the Chevalley-Eilenberg algebra of .
For a compact smooth manifold of dimension 3, write
for the groupoid of Lie algebra valued 1-forms on , – we call this the field configuration space of -Chern-Simons theory over . Notice that this is canonically a smooth groupoid, as discussed there.
By means of the above Chern-Simons element there is naturally associated to every field configuration a 3-form
called the Chern-Simons form of . This 3-form is the Lagrangian of Chern-Simons theory over .
The exponentiated action functional of Chern-Simons theory is the morphism
to the circle group, which sends a field configuration to the integral over of its Chern-Simons form .
Since the above action functional is a local action functional, its covariant phase space – which is the space of solutions of the corresponding Euler-Lagrange equations – naturally carries a presymplectic structure.
The Euler-Lagrange equations for the action functional from def. are
where is the curvature 2-form of the Lie algebra valued form .
The presymplectic structure on the space of solutions relative to any 2-dimensional submanifold is
The proof can be found spelled out at ∞-Chern-Simons theory.
The statements for equations of motion and gauge fixed Poisson structure appears for instance as (Witten89, (2.3), (3,2)) or (FreedI, prop. 3.1, prop. 3.17). The symplectic structure on the moduli space of flat connections is discussed in more detail also in (Atiyah-Bott) and in (Weinstein).
The presymplectic structure on the covariant phase space has apparently first been discussed in (Witten86, section 5) and in (Zuckerman, section 3, example 2).
Zuckerman states that on the reduced phase space of -Chern-Simons theory the presymplectic form becomes the Weil-Petersson symplectic form?.
More generally, configurations of Chern-Simons theory are defined on 3-dimensional manifolds with a closed 1-dimensional submanifold where each connected component (diffeomorphic to a circle) is labeled by an irreducible unitary representation of the gauge group.
In the path integral formulation of Chern-Simons theory this means that to the integrand is added the Wilson loop of the principal connection around
But more fundamentally, the whole Wilson loop itself here is to be regarded as the result of a path integral for a 1-dimensional Chern-Simons theory with moduli space a coadjoint orbit of and with the representation arising by the orbit method (see there for more details).
This means that the configuration space of Chern-Simons theory over is the space of -principal connections on and of maps to the coadjoint orbit on , with the action functional now being the sum of 3-dimensional Chern-Simons theory over as above and of a 1-dimensional Chern-Simons theory along for which the -principal connection serves as a background gauge field.
This orbit method-formulation of Wilson loops in Chern-Simons theory was vaguely indicated in (Witten89, p. 22). More details were discussed in (EMSS 89), but in the context of other gauge theories (Yang-Mills theory) the same formulation appears much earlier in (Balachandran, Borchardt, Stern 78). A detailed review and further refinements are discussed in section 4 of (Beasley 09). Aspects of the formulation in the context of BV-BRST formalism are discussed in (Alekseev-Barmaz-Mnev 12). The formalizations via extended Lagrangians and extended prequantum field theory is in (Fiorenza-Sati-Schreiber 12).
If the Lie group is not simply-connected a -principal bundle on 3-dimensional is not necessarily trivializable. (For instance for the circle group the circle bundles on are classified by their Chern class, which can be any element in the integral cohomology .)
Therefore in these cases the configuration space of Chern-Simons theory is no longer in general just a groupoid of Lie algebra valued forms – which is a groupoid of connections on trivial principal bundles, but a groupoid of more general connections on non-trivial principal bundles.
The general formulation of Chern-Simons theory is then this:
let be a compact Lie group with Lie algebra and let be a binary invariant polynomial. Then the refined Chern-Weil homomorphism produces a map
from -bundles with connection to degree-4 ordinary differential cohomology of , classifying circle 3-bundles with connection on : the Chern-Simons circle 3-bundles.
The action functional of Chern-Simons theory is the higher holonomy of this circle 3-bundle
Let the circle group, and the canonical invariant polynomial.
Then the configuration space is – ordinary differential cohomology in degree 2 – and the action functional is given by the fiber integration in ordinary differential cohomology over the Beilinson-Deligne cup product
(For the moment see higher dimensional Chern-Simons theory for references on this case.)
We discuss now aspects of the quantization of Chern-Simons theory. There are two main formalizations for making sense of this, geometric quantization and algebraic deformation quantization. We discuss these separartely:
Of the existing formalizations of quantization, it is geometric quantization that is naturally suited for obtaining the spaces of states of Chern-Simons theory and their identification with the conformal blocks of the holographic dual WZW model. We indicate some aspects.
We discuss the space of states (in geometric quantization) of quantized -Chern-Simons theory for a simple, simply connected Lie group, as above.
consider Chern-Simons theory on a 3-dimensional smooth manifold which is a cylinder over a 2-dimensional manifold;
compute the covariant phase space over to be that of flat connections on , equipped with a certain presymplectic form (as discussed above);
after gauge reduction this becomes a symplectic form, for which there is a prequantum circle bundle on the phase space;
in order to complete this prequantization to geometric quantization one needs to choose a polarization of phase space; it turns out that one naturally obtains such from any choice of conformal structure on (see for instance Witten-Jeffrey, p. 81, see also self-dual higher gauge theory – Relation to Chern-Simons – Conformal structure from polarization):
this is provided by the Narasimhan-Seshadri theorem which establishes that the moduli space of flat connections on a Riemann surface is naturally a complex manifold. This yields a Kähler polarization (as well as a spin^c-structure for geometric quantization by push-forward (Freed-Hopkins-Teleman 07)).
one finds that the resulting space of states (in geometric quantization) is naturally isomorphic to the space of conformal blocks of the 2-dimensional WZW model on , regarded with that conformal structure.
So for a 2-dimensional manifold , a choice of polarization of the phase space of 3d Chern-Simons theory on is naturally induced by a choice of conformal structure on . Once such a choice is made, the resulting space of quantum states of the Chern-Simons theory over is naturally identified with the space of conformal blocks of the WZW model 2d CFT on the Riemann surface .
But since from the point of view of the 3d Chern-Simons theory the polarization is an arbitrary choice, the space of quantum states should not depend on this choice, up to specified equivalence. Formally this means that as varies (over the moduli space of conformal structures on ) the should form a vector bundle on this moduli space of conformal structures which is equipped with a flat connection whose parallel transport hence provides equivalences between between the fibers of this vector bundle.
This flat connection is the Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov connection / Hitchin connection. This was maybe first realized and explained in (Witten 89, p. 20) and first actually constructed in (Axelrod-Pietra-Witten 91).
For more see the references below.
We discuss aspects of Chern-Simons theory in extended prequantum field theory. For more on this see at Higher Chern-Simons local prequantum field theory.
Let be a simply connected Lie group, such as the spin group.
Write for the smooth moduli stack of -principal bundles (as discussed here) and write for that of -principal bundles with connection. (Here Smooth∞Grpd is the (∞,1)-topos for smooth higher geometry.) Similarly, for write for the smooth moduli n-stack of circle n-bundles with connection.
In contrast, write Top for the ordinary classifying space of -principal bundles, the geometric realization of .
By the discussion at Lie group cohomology we have
for a morphism in representing this class. This modulates the cicle 3-group=-principal ∞-bundle over
sometimes called the Chern-Simons circle 3-bundle.
By the discussion at differential String structure (FSS) this map has a differential refinement to a morphism of smooth moduli stacks of the form:
Let then be a compact closed oriented smooth manifold of dimension . We can form the internal hom (mapping -stack) and produce the morphism
This in turn we may postcompose with the operation of fiber integration in ordinary differential cohomology, refined to a morphism of smooth ∞-groupoids
The result is a morphism
The result is a circle (3-k)-bundle with connection over the smooth moduli stack of Chern-Simons fields on . We explain now how, as -varies, there transgressions of the differential characteristic map constitute prequantum circle (3-k)-bundles for an higher geometric quantization of Chern-Simons theory, as indicated in the following table.
codimension | prequantum circle (3-k)-bundle | |
3 | differentially refined first fractional Pontryagin class (level (Chern-Simons theory)) | |
2 | Wess-Zumino-Witten model background B-field | |
1 | ordinary prequantum circle bundle of Chern-Simons theory | |
0 | action functional of Chern-Simons theory |
The first line we have already discussed (FSS). The second line is implicit in (CJMSW, def. 3.3, prop. 3.4). There it is shown that there is a natural -principal connection on , such that the fiber integration in ordinary differential cohomology of its Chern-Simons circle 3-bundle with connection over is the Wess-Zumino-Witten model circle n-bundle with connection on . But in terms of moduli stacks this means that there is a canonical morphism
such that its internal hom-adjunct
has the property that postcomposition with modulates the WZW 2-bundle. This is precisely the content of the second line in the table above.
Some pointers regarded the perturbative quantization of Chern-Simons theory:
The standard Feynman perturbation series for perturbative quantum field theory based on the Chern-Simons propagator (see there for more) was discussed in Axelrod-Singer 91, 93, via Feynman amplitudes on compactified configuration spaces of points.
This led Kontsevich 94 to suggest that the perturbative Chern-Simons Feynman amplitudes serves to exhibit a graph complex-model for the Fulton-MacPherson compactification of configuration spaces of points and for the spaces of knots.
For the first case this was proven inLambrechts-Volic 14.
For the second case see CattaneoCottaRamusinoLongoni02, Volić 13 and Bar-Natan 91.
Witten (1989), section 2 indicates the perturbative path integral quantization of Chern-Simons theory and finds that the result after gauge fixing by a choice of Riemannian metric is the sum over equivalence classes of classical solutions, i.e. of flat connections/local systems , of the product of
the exponentiated Chern-Simons action functional of the classical solution;
the analytic torsion ;
the exponentiated eta invariant (hence the Selberg zeta function twisted by the given local system ).
For more on this see at eta invariant – Boundaries, determinant line bundles and perturbative Chern-Simons.
Now this expression is not independent of the chosen metric . But it becomes indepdendent of it after adding the -Chern-Simons term of the Levi-Civita connection of the metric (Witten 89 (2.23)) (and is then well-defined after choosing an Atiyah 2-framing).
Notice that here is ,so that the limit is the semiclassical limit, i.e. this is perturbation theory in Planck's constant , as also considered in perturbative deformation quantization.
We discuss the perturbative deformation quantization of Chern-Simons theory to a factorization algebra of local observables along the lines of renormalization – Of theories in BV-CS forms (Costello).
We first discuss the classical and quantum BV-BRST complex of the underlying free field theory
and then perturbatively introduce the interactions by renormalizing and solving the quantum master equation:
Fix a Lie algebra equipped with a binary and non-degenerate invariant polynomial (for instance a semisimple Lie algebra with Killing form). Let be a smooth closed manifold.
In perturbation theory we consider only infinitesimal gauge transformations between the fields,
In perturbation theory we regard the interaction term
as a perturbation of the free field theory with kinetic action functional
The BRST complex of the full theory is the Chevalley-Eilenberg algebra of the Lie algebroid which is the Lie differentiation of the action groupoid of the smooth group of gauge transformations acting on the fields, which are the Lie algebra valued 1-forms.
So the BRST complex of Chern-Simons theory has
The corresponding BV-BRST complex hence has in addition
antifields the local duals of the fields, which under the evident wedge product-and-integration pairing is ;
antighosts similarly .
In summary the fields, ghosts, antifields and antighists form the de Rham complex of tensored with : As a free field theory (with the notation as dicussed there) Chern-Simons theory on has the sheaf of sections of the field bundle given by
Here we should regard as being graded and homogeneously of degree (this is the natural grading on regarded as an L-infinity algebra. In fact essentially all of the discussion here goes through for general -algebras equipped with a binary invariant polynomial). With this the evident total grading on is already the correct BV-BRST grading
field: | ghost fields | genuine fields | antifields | antighost fields |
degree | -1 | 0 | 1 | 2 |
The antibracket is given by the canonical local pairing obtained by taking the wedge product of differential forms, then evaluating the coefficients in in the invariant polynomial , then projecting onto the 3-form summand and finally forming the integration of differential forms over : for we have
In perturbation theory we take the observables to be polynomial linear functions on these fields, hence the (graded-)symmetric algebra of the distributions . By the Atiyah-Bott lemma we may in the present situation take the observables equivalently to be the compactly supported sections of the dual field bundle, with duality induced by the local pairing . For instance a monomial local linear function on the genuine fields
is then presented by an element via the evaluation map:
With this identification we have in summary the following situation:
linear local observables: | ghost field observables | genuine field observables | antifield observables | antighost field observables |
degree | 1 | 0 | -1 | -2 |
The de Rham differential on the sections of the field bundle induces a differential on the observables by dualization.
Hence the classical BV-complex of the free field theory is
Equipped with the standard BV-Laplacian discussed at free field theory - The quantum observables this yields the corrsponding quantum BV-complex of the free field theory
Next we want to add to the above free field theory the interaction term . This amounts to changing the differential of to . For this indeed to still be a differential it must still square to 0, which is the condition expressed by the quantum master equation, This needs renormalization in order to be well defined.
This is discussed for instance in (Costello, section 15).
The Reshetikhin-Turaev model of 3d TQFT had traditionally been expected to be quantized Chern-Simons theory. A proof if this requires showing that the RT-constuction is equivalent to the result of the geometric quantization from above.
The proof of this is not entirely spelled out in the literature, but all the ingredients seem to be known, involving results such as (Andersen 12).
For more see at quantization of Chern-Simons theory.
See also the MathOverflow-discussion Why hasn’t anyone proved that the two standard approaches to quantizing Chern-Simons theory are equivalent?.
Upon quantization the Chern-Simons level receives a renormalization by the dual Coxeter number of the gauge group. See there for more.
The Wilson line-observables in quantum Chern-Simons theory are given by knot invariants.
In Witten (1989) it was shown that the new polynomial invariant of knots invented by Vaughan Jones in the context of von Neumann algebras – the Jones polynomial – can be given a heuristic geometric interpretation: the Jones polynomial V(q) of a knot in a 3-manifold can be viewed as the path integral over all -connections on of the exponential of the Chern–Simons action functional :
is the integral of the Chern–Simons Lagrangian,
is the trace of the holonomy of the connection around the knot in the fundamental representation of , and
Said heuristically: the Jones polynomial of the knot can be understood as the “average value” over all connections of the trace of the holonomy of the connection around the knot . Note that this idea can be generalized by varying the gauge group from to some other Lie group; the representation in which the trace is evaluated can also be altered. Each of these modifications gives rise to a knot invariant.
The beautiful thing about Chern–Simons theory is that Witten was able use the locality property of the path integral to give a nonperturbative way to actually compute it. In this way Chern–Simons theory has become the ‘poster-child’ of extended topological quantum field theory since it exemplifies the main idea: take advantage of the higher gluing laws in order to compute geometric quantities.
One of the major mathematical projects around Chern–Simons theory has therefore been to try and understand it rigorously as a 3-2-1-0 extended topological quantum field theory.
For the abelian case the major paper in this regard is Topological Quantum Field Theories from Compact Lie Groups by Freed, Hopkins, Lurie and Teleman. No-one has yet made rigorous sense of the nonabelian theory as an extended TQFT. However, the invariants that the theory assigns to closed manifolds of dimension 0,1,2 and 3 are heuristically expected to be:
Proposals by other authors include (Henriques 15).
A closed 3-manifold the path integral given above (a number).
A closed 2-manifold the space of sections of the line bundle over the moduli space of flat connections on (a finite-dimensional vector space). (Reshetikhin and Turaev give an alternate quantum-groupy description of this space).
A circle the category of positive energy representations of the loop group at level (a linear category).
The R-T construction sticks on the circle the modular tensor category of representations of a quantum group at a root of unity, modulo “unphysical representations.” Are these supposed to be the same? Is this just the Kazhdan-Lusztig equivalence?
Urs Schreiber: the Reshetikhin-Turaev construction works with any modular tensor category, I’d say. Using one coming from reps of loops group is expected to produce the Chern–Simons QFT as a cobordism rep. But I think a full proof of that, i.e. a formalization of the CS path integral that would after turning the crank yield the RT construction, is not available to date. There is just lots of “circumstancial evidence”.
The 2-category assigned to the point is the most interesting piece of data since in principle all the other invariants can be derived from it using the gluing law. In the paper Topological Quantum Field Theories from Compact Lie Groups, it is proposed that
A point the category of skyscraper sheaves on —, thought of as a 2-category via —.
Bruce: I’ve run out of time here and I can’t precisely fill in those blanks above. Any help?
Ben Webster: My understanding is that nobody is quite sure how to fill in those blanks. One line of thinking is that it should be an object in a 3-category with is not 2Cat.
Other groups have conceptualized this differently (but most likely equivalently at the end of the day as)
A point the 2-category of unitary 2-representations of the group .
Still others think of the 2-category assigned to the point in different terms.
For a fixed Riemannian metric on the 3-dimensional base space , the gradient flow of the Chern-Simons theory action functional with respect to the respective Hodge inner product metric on characterizes Yang-Mills instanton solutions of the Yang-Mills theory on with metric .
This phenomenon is captured by instanton Floer homology.
In (Witten94) an argument was given that Chern-Simons theory can be understood as the effective target space string theory of the A-model or B-model TCFT. This argument has later been made more precise in the language of TCFT. See TCFT – Effective background theories for more on this.
The Chern-Simons action functional for the case that the gauge group is the Poincare group (and the invariant polynomial is taken to be the one that pairs a translation generator with a rotation generator) happens to be equivalent to the Einstein-Hilbert action in the first order formulation of gravity in 3-dimensions.
Moreover, Chern-Simons theory for the groups and is similarly equivalent to gravity with cosmological constant in 3-dimensions.
Since the quantization of Chern-Simons theory is fairly well understood, these identifications imply indeed a definition of quantum gravity in 3-dimensions.
More on this is at Chern-Simons gravity.
Beware that there is a subtlety in the definition of the configuration space: when the field of gravity is identified with an -connection then the configuration space naturally contains degenerate vielbein fields (notably the 0 vielbein) and hence the induced rank-2 tensor may also be degenerate. Such degenerate tensors are not technically pseudo-Riemannian metric tensors, since these are required to be non-degenerate. The genuine non-degenerate metric tensors correspond to precisely those -principal connections which are in fact -Cartan connections.
However, the quantum theory exists nicely if one allows the larger configuration space of possibly degenerate metrics exists nicely, while the constrained one does not. This may be interpreted as saying that at least for purposes of quantum gravity it is wrong require non-degenerate metric tensors.
See at AdS3-CFT2 and CS-WZW correspondence.
Trying to interest your number theory friends with Chern–Simons theory? How about this: the Chern–Simons path integral above is (in a certain precise sense) a modular form. This correspondence between the Chern–Simons quantum invariants and modular forms sheds light in both directions, and is a fascinating idea to me. The key words here (which I don’t understand) are “Eichler integral” and “mock theta function?”. See:
Lawrence and Zagier, Modular forms and quantum invariants of 3-manifolds, Asian Journal of Mathematics vol 3 no 1 (1999).
Hikami, Quantum invariant, modular forms, and lattice points, arXiv. See also the follow ups to this paper.
In a recent talk, Witten outlined a new approach to Chern–Simons theory which perhaps gives an alternative nonperturbative definition of the path integral. Quoting from Not Even Wrong:
The main new idea that Witten was using was that the contributions of different critical points p (including complex ones), could be calculated by choosing appropriate contours using Morse theory for the Chern–Simons functional. This sort of Morse theory involving holomorphic Morse functions gets used in mathematics in Picard-Lefshetz theory?. The contour is given by the downward flow from the critical point, and the flow equation turns out to be a variant of the self-duality equation that Witten had previously encountered in his work with Kapustin on geometric Langlands. One tricky aspect of all this is that the contours one needs to integrate over are sums of the with integral coefficients and these coefficients jump at “Stokes curves” as one varies the parameter in one’s integral (in this case, , and are large). In his talk, Witten showed the answer that he gets for the case of the figure-eight knot.
For slides of Witten’s talk, click here and for video, click here. Pilfering material from the slides, the basic idea is as follows. Consider a general oscillatory integral in dimensions:
We want to make sense of the integral when the function is allowed to take on imaginary values (naively, the integral diverges). To do this, we use Morse theory: we choose as our Morse function the real part of the exponent, that is . For every critical point of , the descending manifold is an -cycle in the relative homology group . (Basically this means that it’s a new “contour” for the integral). Moreover Morse theory tells us that the cycles we obtain in this way form a basis for the homology, so we can express our original cycle (the appearing in the integral over ) as a linear combination of these Morse theory cycles:
In this way we can make sense of the integral by defining it as the integral over these new cycles (“contours”):
This new definition actually converges, and makes sense. Apparantly the same technique can be used to interpret the Chern–Simons path integral in the case of complex . Witten argues that this viewpoint is useful if we try to interpret Chern–Simons theory as a theory of three-dimensional gravity,
In (Witten 89) is the observation that the “trace” occuring in the “trace of the holonomy around the knot” term in the path integral should itself be seen as a path integral. In this way one hopes to obtain a much more unified formalism. The quote is reproduced at Geometric quantization and the path integral in Chern-Simons theory.
For technical details on this see at orbit method.
One question that’s been bugging me (Ben Webster) recently is what fills in the analogy “Jones polynomial is to Chern–Simons theory as Khovanov homology is to ??”
(Urs: Answer now at Khovanov homology.)
Which is to say What 3/4-dimensional structure is Khovanov homology hinting at? I’m inclined to think there must be one, as it seems that all of the knot homologies associated by Chern–Simons theory to representations have categorifications (I have a mostly finished paper on this). Presumably these all glue together into something, possibly by a similar trick to the Reshetikhin-Turaev construction of 3-manifold invariants, but it’s not so easy for me to see how.
Chern-Simons theory has mostly been studied as a test case example for (pre-)quantum field theories in theoretical physics and mathematics. Also in string theory it appears in various incarnations and governs the hypothetical physics of string, notably through its holographic relation to the WZW model and the higher dimensional generalizations of this.
But there are also physical systems that one can set up in a laboratory experiment which are described by at least some aspects of Chern-Simons theory at least in some limit. The most prominent such example is the quantum Hall effect system in solid state physics, which consists of electrons constrained to an effectively 2-dimensional surface and subject to perpendicular magnetic field. This system and its variant are also being proposed as supporting topological quantum computing.
Chern-Simons theory
The local Chern-Simons term as an action functional for quantum field theory appears perhaps first in section III of
The geometric quantization and path integral quantization of Chern-Simons theory and the relation of its Wilson line observables to the Jones polynomial was introduced in
and also, indepndently at the same time
generalizing the discussion of abelian Wilson loop observables previously given by hupf
It derives its name from the Chern-Simons forms that were originally introduced in
Introduction and review:
Michael Atiyah, The Geometry and Physics of Knots, Cambridge University Press (1990) [doi:10.1017/CBO9780511623868]
(emphasis on relation to knot theory)
Classical Chern-Simons theory Part I , Adv. Math. 113 (1995), 237-303 [arXiv:hep-th/9206021]
Classical Chern-Simons theory, part II Houston J. Math. 28 (2002) 293-310 [pdf]
(emphasis on the classical theory)
Daniel Freed: Remarks on Chern-Simons theory Bulletin of the AMS 46 2 (2009) 221-254S [arXiv:0808.2507]
Jorge Zanelli, Luis Huerta: Introduction to Chern-Simons theories, PoS ICFI2010 (2010) 004 [doi:10.22323/1.124.0004]
Gregory Moore: Introduction to Chern-Simons Theories, TASI lecture notes (2019) [pdf, pdf]
David Grabovsky: Chern–Simons Theory in a Knotshell (2022) [pdf, pdf]
See also:
Discussion with emphasis on the symplectic structure on phase space and the expression of the Wilson lines by the orbit method is in
A decent survey of the constructions within Chern-Simons theory:
The covariant phase space of Chern-Simons theory with its presymplectic structure is originally discussed in section 5 of
(there in the context of string field theory, but the manipulations of formulas is the same) and in section 3, example 2 of
A detailed discussion of the symplectic structure on the moduli space of flat connections is in
Michael Atiyah, Raoul Bott, The Yang-Mills equations over Riemann surfaces, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A 308 (1982), 523-615. (JSTOR)
Alan Weinstein, The symplectic structure on moduli space, The Floer memorial volume, 627{635, Progr. Math., 133, Birkhauser, Basel, (1995) (pdf)
A talk about the historical origins of the standard Chern-Simons forms see
A discussion of Chern-Simons theory as a canonical object in infinity-Chern-Weil theory and its higher geometric quantization is in
Domenico Fiorenza, Hisham Sati, Urs Schreiber: A higher stacky perspective on Chern-Simons theory, in: Mathematical Aspects of Quantum Field Theories, Mathematical Physics Studies, Springer (2014) 153-211 [arXiv:1301.2580, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-09949-1]
Domenico Fiorenza, Chris Rogers, Urs Schreiber, AKSZ Sigma-Models in Higher Chern-Weil Theory
The orbit method-formulation of Wilson loops in 3d Chern-Simons theory was vaguely indicated in (Witten89, p. 22). More details were discussed in
In the context of other gauge theories (Yang-Mills theory) the same formulation appears much earlier in
A detailed review and further refinements are discussed in (Alekseev-Malkin) and in section 4 of
Aspects of the formulation in the context of BV-BRST formalism are discussed in (Alekseev-Barmaz-Mnev).
Discussion of topological boundaries (branes) and suface defects for Chern-Simons theory (as opposed to the non-topoligical WZW model-boundaries) is in
We list discussions of quantization of Chern-Simons theory.
The original method of quantization of Chern-Simons theory used already in (Witten 89) is geometric quantization.
More discussion of this is in
Edward Witten (lecture notes by Lisa Jeffrey), New results in Chern-Simons theory, pages 81 onwards in: Simon Donaldson, C. Thomas (eds.) Geometry of low dimensional manifolds 2: Symplectic manifolds and Jones-Witten theory (1989) (pdf)
Scott Axelrod, S. Della Pietra, Edward Witten, Geometric quantization of Chern-Simons gauge theory, Jour. Diff. Geom. 33 (1991), 787-902. (EUCLID)
Scott Axelrod, Geometric Quantization of Chern-Simons Gauge Theory PhD thesis (1991)
and for the generalization to complex Lie groups in
The role of the metaplectic correction is studied in some detail in
Also, from p. 154 (11 of 76) on, this article carefully discusses what is really the non-abelian version of the Griffiths intermediate Jacobian structure (see there) for .
Detailed discussion with emphasis on theta functions and the relation to Weyl quantization and skein relations is in
Razvan Gelca, Alejandro Uribe, From classical theta functions to topological quantum field theory (arXiv:1006.3252, slides pdf)
Razvan Gelca, Alejandro Uribe, Quantum mechanics and non-abelian theta functions for the gauge group (arXiv:1007.2010)
Decent expositions are for instance in
and in section 3.3 of
Discussion that relates the geometric quantization of -Chern-Simons theory to the Reshetikhin-Turaev construction of a 3d-TQFT from the modular tensor category induced by is in
and references cited there.
Discussion in terms of geometric quantization by push-forward is in
The “prequantum circle 3-bundle” in codimension 3, was constructed in
and in codimension 2 (Wess-Zumino-Witten model) implicitly in
Discussion of perturbative quantization of Chern-Simons theory (yielding Vassiliev invariants):
Dror Bar-Natan, Perturbative aspects of the Chern-Simons topological quantum field theory, thesis 1991 (spire:323500, proquest:303979053, BarNatanPerturbativeCS91.pdf)
Dror Bar-Natan, Perturbative Chern-Simons theory, Journal of Knot Theory and Its RamificationsVol. 04, No. 04, pp. 503-547 (1995) (doi:10.1142/S0218216595000247)
Scott Axelrod, Isadore Singer, Chern-Simons Perturbation Theory, in S. Catto, A. Rocha (eds.) Proc. XXthe DGM Conf. World Scientific Singapore, 1992, 3-45; (arXiv:hep-th/9110056)
Scott Axelrod, Isadore Singer,_Chern–Simons Perturbation Theory II_, J. Diff. Geom. 39 (1994) 173-213 (arXiv:hep-th/9304087)
Maxim Kontsevich, Feynman diagrams and low-dimensional topology, in First European Congress of Mathematics, Vol. II (Paris, 1992), volume 120 of Progr. Math., pages 97–121, Birkhäuser, Basel, 1994. (pdf)
Pascal Lambrechts, Ismar Volić, sections 6 and 7 of Formality of the little N-disks operad, Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society ; no. 1079, 2014 (arXiv:0808.0457, doi:10.1090/memo/1079)
See also at correlator as differential form on configuration space of points and see at graph complex as a model for the spaces of knots.
Perturbative quantization along the lines of Renormalization - Of theories in BV-CS form is in
building on results summarized in section 1.11 and 1.12 and discussed in more detail in section 3 of
In comparison it says in (Costello, p. 14)
In the case when , Kontsevich 94 and Axelrod-Singer 92, 94 (when ) have already constructed the perturbative Chern-Simons invariants. In some sense, their construction is orthogonal to the construction in this paper. Because we work modulo constants, the construction in this paper doesn’t give anything in the case when . On the other hand, their constructions don’t apply in the situations where our construction gives something non-trivial. There seems to be no fundamental reason why a generalisation of the construction to this paper, including the constant term, should not exist. Such a generalisation would also generalise the results of Kontsevich and Axelrod-Singer. However, the problem of constructing such a generalisation does not seem to be amenable to the techniques used in this paper.
The BV-formalism for Chern-Simons theory on manifolds with boundary is discussed in
based on
On p. 3 there it says:
There is a consensus that perturbative quantization of the classical Chern-Simons theory gives the same asymptotical expansions as the combinatorial topological field theory based on quantized universal enveloping algebras at roots of unity (45), or, equivalently, on the modular category corresponding to the Wess-Zumino-Witten conformal field theory (56, 42) with the first semiclassical computations involving torsion made in (56). However this conjecture is still open despite a number of important results in this direction, see for example (47, 3).
One of the reasons why the conjecture is still open is that for manifolds with boundary the perturbative quantization of Chern-Simons theory has not been developed yet. On the other hand, for closed manifolds the perturbation theory involving Feynman diagrams was developed in (32, 27, 7) and in (5, 35, 13). For the latest development see (19). Closing this gap and developing the perturbative quantization of Chern-Simons theory for manifolds with boundary is one of the main motivations for the project started in this paper.
an argument was given that Chern-Simons theory can be understood as the effective target space string theory of the A-model or B-model TCFT. This argument has later been made more precise in the language of TCFT. See TCFT – Effective background theories for more on this.
Discussion of an alternative derivation of this statement is in
A textbook account of this relation is in
Discussion of quantum Chern-Simons theory as a 3-2-1 extended TQFT is for instance in
Discussion as a (relative) 3-2-1-0 extended TQFT is in
Dan Freed, Mike Hopkins, Jacob Lurie, Constantin Teleman, Topological Quantum Field Theories from Compact Lie Groups
Dan Freed, 4-3-2 8-7-6, talk at ASPECTS of Topology Dec 2012
André Henriques, What Chern-Simons theory assigns to a point (arXiv:1503.06254)
A gentle introduction leading up to one proposal for what Chern-Simons theory assigns to a point (a category of positive energy representations of the based loop group) is in
Computations of flat Chern-Simons/Dijkgraaf-Witten theory action functionals for the complex special linear group are discused (and discussed to be related to volumes of hyperbolic 3-manifolds) in
Victor Mikhaylov, Aspects of Supergroup Chern-Simons Theories, (thesis)
Victor Mikhaylov, Analytic Torsion, 3d Mirror Symmetry, And Supergroup Chern-Simons Theories (arXiv:1505.03130)
For more see at super Chern-Simons theory.
On 3-dimensional (quantum) gravity (general relativity) with cosmological constant, and its (non-)relation to Chern-Simons theory with non-compact gauge groups:
The original articles on 3d gravity, discussing its formulation as a Chern-Simons theory and discovering its holographic relation to a 2d CFT boundary field theory (well before AdS/CFT was conceived from string theory):
Stanley Deser, Roman Jackiw, Gerard 't Hooft, Three-dimensional Einstein gravity: Dynamics of flat space, Ann. Phys. 152 (1984) 220 (doi:10.1016/0003-4916(84)90085-X)
Stanley Deser, Roman Jackiw, Three-dimensional cosmological gravity: Dynamics of constant curvature, Annals of Physics, Volume 153, Issue 2, 1 April 1984, Pages 405-416 (doi:10.1016/0003-4916(84)90025-3, spire:192694)
Roman Jackiw, Lower dimensional gravity, Nuclear Physics B Volume 252, 1985, Pages 343-356 (doi:10.1016/0550-3213(85)90448-1, spire:204694)
J. D. Brown, Marc Henneaux, Central charges in the canonical realization of asymptotic symmetries: An example from three dimensional gravity, Commun. Math. Phys. (1986) 104: 207 (doi:10.1007/BF01211590)
A. Achucarro, Paul Townsend, A Chern-Simons Action for Three-Dimensional anti-De Sitter Supergravity Theories, Phys. Lett. B180 (1986) 89 (doi:10.1016/0370-2693(86)90140-1, spire:21208)
Steven Carlip, Inducing Liouville theory from topologically massive gravity, Nuclear Physics B Volume 362, Issues 1–2, 16 September 1991, Pages 111-124 (doi:10.1016/0550-3213(91)90558-F)
O. Coussaert, Marc Henneaux, P. van Driel, The asymptotic dynamics of three-dimensional Einstein gravity with a negative cosmological constant, Class. Quant. Grav. 12 (1995) 2961-2966 (arXiv:gr-qc/9506019)
The corresponding non-perturbative quantization of 3-dimensional gravity, via quantization of 3d Chern-Simons theory:
Edward Witten, (2+1)-Dimensional Gravity as an Exactly Soluble System, Nucl. Phys. B 311 (1988) 46. [doi:10.1016/0550-3213(88)90143-5
Herman Verlinde, Conformal field theory, two-dimensional quantum gravity and quantization of Teichmüller space, Nuclear Physics B 337 3 (1990) 652-680 [doi:10.1016/0550-3213(90)90510-K]
Steven Carlip, Lectures in (2+1)-Dimensional Gravity, J. Korean Phys. Soc. 28: S447-S467, 1995 (arXiv:gr-qc/9503024)
Steven Carlip, Quantum Gravity in 2+1 Dimensions, Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics (2003) (publisher)
Steven Carlip, Quantum Gravity in 2+1 Dimensions: The Case of a Closed Universe, Living Rev. Rel. 8:1, 2005 (arXiv:gr-qc/0409039)
Steven Carlip, My Research – (2+1)-Dimensional quantum gravity
Laura Donnay, Asymptotic dynamics of three-dimensional gravity, Proceedings of Eleventh Modave Summer School in Mathematical Physics, POS 271 (2016) arXiv:1602.09021, doi:10.22323/1.271.0001
Wout Merbis, Chern-Simons-like Theories of Gravity (arXiv:1411.6888)
Chen-Te Ma, Einstein Gravity and Boundary Description: Pedagogical Review arXiv:2310.04665
Further developments:
Edward Witten, Three-dimensional gravity revisited (2007) [arXiv:0706.3359]
Paul Townsend, Massive 3d (super)gravity, slides, (pdf)
Gaston Giribet, Black hole physics and AdS3/CFT2 correspondence, lectures at Croatian Black Hole School 2010
Alan Garbarz, Gaston Giribet, Yerko Vásquez, Asymptotically AdS solutions to topologically massive gravity at special values of the coupling constants, arxiv/0811.4464
Rudranil Basu, Samir K Paul, Consistent 3D Quantum Gravity on Lens Spaces (arXiv:1109.0793)
Marc Henneaux, Wout Merbis, Arash Ranjbar, Asymptotic dynamics of gravity with two asymptotic regions (arXiv:1912.09465)
Viraj Meruliya, Sunil Mukhi, Palash Singh, Poincaré Series, 3d Gravity and Averages of Rational CFT (arXiv:2102.03136)
Scott Collier, Lorenz Eberhardt, Mengyang Zhang: Solving 3d Gravity with Virasoro TQFT, SciPost Phys. 15 151 (2023) [dou:10.21468/SciPostPhys.15.4.151, arXiv:2304.13650]
See also:
Nathan Benjamin, Scott Collier, Alexander Maloney, Pure Gravity and Conical Defects, Journal of High Energy Physics 2020 34 (2020) arXiv:2004.14428, doi:10.1007/JHEP09(2020)034]
T. Mursheed Amith, Alicia Castro: The massive BMS character in 3D quantum gravity [arXiv:2502.14578]
On 3d Chern-Simons theories arising from the higher WZ term on super p-brane worldvolumes (notably on D2-branes):
John Brodie, D-branes in Massive IIA and Solitons in Chern-Simons Theory, JHEP 0111:014, 2001 (arXiv:hep-th/0012068)
Yosuke Imamura, A D2-brane realization of Maxwell-Chern-Simons-Higgs systems, JHEP 0102:035, 2001 (arXiv:hep-th/0012254)
Mitsutoshi Fujita, Wei Li, Shinsei Ryu, Tadashi Takayanagi, Fractional Quantum Hall Effect via Holography: Chern-Simons, Edge States, and Hierarchy, JHEP 0906:066, 2009 (arXiv:0901.0924)
Kristan Jensen, p. 9,10 of: Chiral anomalies and AdS/CMT in two dimensions, JHEP 1101:109, 2011 (arXiv:1012.4831)
Gyungchoon Go, O-Kab Kwon, D. D. Tolla, Supersymmetric Effective Action of D2-branes in Massive IIA String Theory, Phys. Rev. D 85, 026006, 2012 (arXiv:1110.3902)
Specifically on D8-branes in the context of geometric engineering of QCD (AdS/QCD):
Ho-Ung Yee, Ismail Zahed, Holographic two dimensional QCD and Chern-Simons term, JHEP 1107:033, 2011 (arXiv:1103.6286)
Mitsutoshi Fujita, Charles M. Melby-Thompson, Rene Meyer, Shigeki Sugimoto, Holographic Chern-Simons Defects, JHEP06 (2016) 163 (arxiv:1601.00525)
The idea of topological quantum computation via a Chern-Simons theory with anyon braiding defects is due to:
Alexei Kitaev, Fault-tolerant quantum computation by anyons, Annals Phys. 303 (2003) 2-30 [doi:10.1016/S0003-4916(02)00018-0, arXiv:quant-ph/9707021]
Michael Freedman, P/NP, and the quantum field computer, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 95 1 (1998) 98-101 [doi:10.1073/pnas.95.1.9]
Michael Freedman, Alexei Kitaev, Michael Larsen, Zhenghan Wang, Topological quantum computation, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 40 (2003), 31-38 [doi:10.1090/S0273-0979-02-00964-3, arXiv:quant-ph/0101025, pdf]
Michael Freedman, Michael Larsen, Zhenghan Wang, A modular functor which is universal for quantum computation, Communications in Mathematical Physics. 227 3 (2002) 605-622 [doi:10.1007/s002200200645, arXiv:quant-ph/0001108]
(specifically via su(2)-anyons)
Chetan Nayak, Steven H. Simon, Ady Stern, Michael Freedman, Sankar Das Sarma, Non-Abelian Anyons and Topological Quantum Computation, Rev. Mod. Phys. 80 1083 (2008) [doi:10.1103/RevModPhys.80.1083, arXiv:0707.1888]
Dmitry Melnikov, Andrei Mironov, Sergey Mironov, Alexei Morozov, Andrey Morozov, Towards topological quantum computer, Nucl. Phys. B926 (2018) 491-508 (arXiv:1703.00431, doi:10.1016/j.nuclphysb.2017.11.016)
and via a Dijkgraaf-Witten theory (like Chern-Simons theory but with discrete gauge group):
R. Walter Ogburn, John Preskill, Topological Quantum Computation, in: Quantum Computing and Quantum Communications, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1509, Springer (1998) [doi:10.1007/3-540-49208-9_31]
Carlos Mochon, Anyons from non-solvable finite groups are sufficient for universal quantum computation, Phys. Rev. A 67 022315 (2003) [doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.67.022315, arXiv:quant-ph/0206128]
Carlos Mochon, Anyon computers with smaller groups, Phys. Rev. A 69 032306 (2004) [doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.69.032306, arXiv:quant-ph/0306063]
Proposals more specifically for topological quantum gates implemented in fractional quantum Hall systems:
D. V. Averin, V.J. Goldman: Quantum computation with quasiparticles of the fractional quantum Hall effect, Solid State Communications 121 1 (2001) 25-28 [doi:10.1016/S0038-1098(01)00447-1, arXiv:cond-mat/0110193]
Sankar Das Sarma, Michael Freedman, Chetan Nayak: Topologically-Protected Qubits from a Possible Non-Abelian Fractional Quantum Hall State, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94 166802 (2005) [doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.94.166802, arXiv:cond-mat/0412343]
Sergey Bravyi: Universal Quantum Computation with the Fractional Quantum Hall State, Phys. Rev. A 73 042313 (2006) [doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.73.042313, arXiv:quant-ph/0511178]
Zhenghan Wang, Topological Quantum Computation, CBMS Regional Conference Series in Mathematics 112, AMS 2010 (ISBN-13: 978-0-8218-4930-9, pdf)
Jiannis K. Pachos, Introduction to Topological Quantum Computation, Cambridge University Press (2012) [doi:10.1017/CBO9780511792908]
Tudor D. Stanescu, Part IV of: Introduction to Topological Quantum Matter & Quantum Computation, CRC Press 2020 (ISBN:9780367574116)
Steven H. Simon, Topological Quantum, Oxford University Press (2023) [ISBN:9780198886723, pdf, webpage]
Louis Kauffman, Quantum Topology and Quantum Computing, in: Samuel J. Lomonaco (ed.), Quantum Computation: A Grand Mathematical Challenge for the Twenty-First Century and the Millennium, Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics 58, AMS (2002) [pdf, doi:10.1090/psapm/058]
(in relation to quantum topology)
John Preskill: Topological Quantum Computation, Chapter 9 in: Quantum Computation, lecture notes (since 2004) [pdf, pdf]
Gavin K. Brennen, Jiannis K. Pachos, Why should anyone care about computing with anyons?, Proc. R. Soc. A 464 (2008) 1-24 [doi:10.1098/rspa.2007.0026, arXiv:0704.2241]
Ady Stern, Netanel H. Lindner, Topological Quantum Computation – From Basic Concepts to First Experiments, Science 339 6124 (2013) 1179-1184 [doi:10.1126/science.1231473, spire:2748124]
Eric C. Rowell, An Invitation to the Mathematics of Topological Quantum Computation, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 698 (2016) 012012 [doi:10.1088/1742-6596/698/1/012012, arXiv:1601.05288]
Ananda Roy, David P. DiVincenzo, Topological Quantum Computing, Lecture notes of the 48th IFF Spring School (2017) [arXiv:1701.05052]
Ville Lahtinen, Jiannis K. Pachos, A Short Introduction to Topological Quantum Computation, SciPost Phys. 3 021 (2017) [doi: 10.21468/SciPostPhys.3.3.021, arXiv:1705.04103]
Eric C. Rowell, Zhenghan Wang, Mathematics of Topological Quantum Computing, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 55 (2018), 183-238 (arXiv:1705.06206, doi:10.1090/bull/1605)
Bernard Field, Tapio Simula, Introduction to topological quantum computation with non-Abelian anyons, Quantum Science and Technology 3 (2018) 045004 [doi:10.1088/2058-9565/aacad2, arXiv:1802.06176]
Muhammad Ilyas, Quantum Field Theories, Topological Materials, and Topological Quantum Computing [arXiv:2208.09707]
Eric C. Rowell, Braids, Motions and Topological Quantum Computing [arXiv:2208.11762, spire:2141848]
Hisham Sati, Sachin Valera: Topological Quantum Computing, Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics 2nd ed 4 (2025) 325-345 [doi:10.1016/B978-0-323-95703-8.00262-7]
Focus on abelian anyons:
Jiannis K. Pachos, Quantum computation with abelian anyons on the honeycomb lattice, International Journal of Quantum Information 4 6 (2006) 947-954 [doi:10.1142/S0219749906002328, arXiv:quant-ph/0511273]
James Robin Wootton, Dissecting Topological Quantum Computation, PhD thesis, Leeds (2010) [ethesis:1163, pdf, pdf]
“non-Abelian anyons are usually assumed to be better suited to the task. Here we challenge this view, demonstrating that Abelian anyon models have as much potential as some simple non-Abelian models. […] Though universal non-Abelian models are admittedly the holy grail of topological quantum computation, and rightly so, this thesis has shown that Abelian models are just as useful as non-universal non-Abelian models. […] Abelian models are a computationally powerful, fault-tolerant and experimentally realistic prospect for quantum computation.”
Seth Lloyd, Quantum computation with abelian anyons, Quantum Information Processing 1 1/2 (2002) [doi:10.1023/A:1019649101654, arXiv:quant-ph/0004010]
James R. Wootton, Jiannis K. Pachos: Universal Quantum Computation with Abelian Anyon Models, Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 270 2 (2011) 209-218 [doi:10.1016/j.entcs.2011.01.032, arXiv:0904.4373]
see also:
Menelaos Zikidis: Abelian Anyons and Fractional Quantum Hall Effect, Seminar notes (2017) [pdf, pdf]
Wade Bloomquist, Zhenghan Wang, On Topological Quantum Computing With Mapping Class Group Representations, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 52 (2019) 015301 [doi:10.1088/1751-8121/aaeea1, arXiv:1805.04622]
Yichen Hu, Biao Lian: Chiral Sachdev-Ye model: Integrability and chaos of anyons in , Phys. Rev. B 105 (2022) 125109 [doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.105.125109]
Realization in experiment (so far via quantum simulation of anyons on non-topological quantum hardware, cf. FF24, Fig 5, as in “topological codes” for quantum error correction):
on superconducting qbits:
on trapped-ion quantum hardware:
Daniel Nigg, Markus Mueller, Esteban A. Martinez, Philipp Schindler, Markus Hennrich, Thomas Monz, Miguel A. Martin-Delgado, Rainer Blatt: Experimental Quantum Computations on a Topologically Encoded Qubit, Science 18 Jul 2014: Vol. 345, Issue 6194, pp. 302-305 (arXiv:1403.5426, doi:10.1126/science.1253742)
Mohsin Iqbal, Nathanan Tantivasadakarn: Topological Order from Measurements and Feed-Forward on a Trapped Ion Quantum Computer, Nature Communications Physics 7 (2024) 205 [doi:10.1038/s42005-024-01698-3, arXiv:2302.01917]
Mohsin Iqbal, Nathanan Tantivasadakarn, R. Verresen et al., Figure 5 in : Non-Abelian topological order and anyons on a trapped-ion processor, Nature 626 (2024) 505–511 [doi:10.1038/s41586-023-06934-4]
Nature research briefing: Topological matter created on a quantum chip produces quasiparticles with computing power [doi:10.1038/d41586-023-04126-8]
Michael Foss-Feig, Guido Pagano, Andrew C. Potter, Norman Y. Yao: Progress in Trapped-Ion Quantum Simulation, Annual Reviews of Condensed Matter Physics (2024) [arXiv:2409.02990 doi:10.1146/annurev-conmatphys-032822-045619]
Discussion of anyon braid gates via homotopy type theory:
David Jaz Myers, Hisham Sati, Urs Schreiber: Topological Quantum Gates in Homotopy Type Theory, Comm. Math. Phys. 405 172 (2024) [arXiv:2303.02382, doi:10.1007/s00220-024-05020-8]
David Jaz Myers: Topological Quantum Gates, talk at Running HoTT 2024, CQTS@NYUAD (April 2024) [video:kt]
On linear representations of braid groups (see also at braid group statistics and interpretation as quantum gates in topological quantum computation):
Chen Ning Yang, M. L. Ge (eds.). Braid Group, Knot Theory and Statistical Mechanics, Advanced Series in Mathematical Physics 9, World Scientific (1991) doi:10.1142/0796
(focus on quantum Yang-Baxter equation)
Camilo Arias Abad, Introduction to representations of braid groups, Rev. colomb. mat. vol.49 no.1 (2015) (arXiv:1404.0724, doi:10.15446/recolma.v49n1.54160)
Toshitake Kohno, Introduction to representation theory of braid groups, Peking 2018 (pdf, pdf)
in relation to modular tensor categories:
Braid representations from the monodromy of the Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov connection on bundles of conformal blocks over configuration spaces of points:
Ivan Todorov, Ludmil Hadjiivanov, Monodromy Representations of the Braid Group, Phys. Atom. Nucl. 64 (2001) 2059-2068; Yad.Fiz. 64 (2001) 2149-2158 arXiv:hep-th/0012099, doi:10.1134/1.1432899
Ivan Marin, Sur les représentations de Krammer génériques, Annales de l’Institut Fourier, 57 6 (2007) 1883-1925 numdam:AIF_2007__57_6_1883_0
and understood in terms of anyon statistics:
Braid representations seen inside the topological K-theory of the braid group‘s classifying space:
Alejandro Adem, Daniel C. Cohen, Frederick R. Cohen, On representations and K-theory of the braid groups, Math. Ann. 326 (2003) 515-542 (arXiv:math/0110138, doi:10.1007/s00208-003-0435-8)
Frederick R. Cohen, Section 3 of: On braid groups, homotopy groups, and modular forms, in: J.M. Bryden (ed.), Advances in Topological Quantum Field Theory, Kluwer 2004, 275–288 (pdf)
See also:
As quantum gates for topological quantum computation with anyons:
Louis H. Kauffman, Samuel J. Lomonaco, Braiding Operators are Universal Quantum Gates, New Journal of Physics, Volume 6, January 2004 (arXiv:quant-ph/0401090, doi:10.1088/1367-2630/6/1/134)
Samuel J. Lomonaco, Louis Kauffman, Topological Quantum Computing and the Jones Polynomial, Proc. SPIE 6244, Quantum Information and Computation IV, 62440Z (2006) (arXiv:quant-ph/0605004)
(braid group representation serving as a topological quantum gate to compute the Jones polynomial)
Louis H. Kauffman, Samuel J. Lomonaco, Topological quantum computing and braid group representations, Proceedings Volume 6976, Quantum Information and Computation VI; 69760M (2008) (doi:10.1117/12.778068, rg:228451452)
C.-L. Ho, A.I. Solomon, C.-H.Oh, Quantum entanglement, unitary braid representation and Temperley-Lieb algebra, EPL 92 (2010) 30002 (arXiv:1011.6229)
Louis H. Kauffman, Majorana Fermions and Representations of the Braid Group, International Journal of Modern Physics AVol. 33, No. 23, 1830023 (2018) (arXiv:1710.04650, doi:10.1142/S0217751X18300235)
David Lovitz, Universal Braiding Quantum Gates [arXiv:2304.00710]
Introduction and review:
Colleen Delaney, Eric C. Rowell, Zhenghan Wang, Local unitary representations of the braid group and their applications to quantum computing, Revista Colombiana de Matemáticas(2017), 50 (2):211 (arXiv:1604.06429, doi:10.15446/recolma.v50n2.62211)
Eric C. Rowell, Braids, Motions and Topological Quantum Computing arXiv:2208.11762
Realization of Fibonacci anyons on quasicrystal-states:
Realization on supersymmetric spin chains:
See also:
On approximating (cf. the Solovay-Kitaev theorem) given quantum gates by (i.e. compiling them to) cicuits of anyon braid gates (generally considered for su(2)-anyons and here mostly for universal Fibonacci anyons, to some extent also for non-universal Majorana anyons):
Nicholas E. Bonesteel, Layla Hormozi, Georgios Zikos, Steven H. Simon, Braid Topologies for Quantum Computation, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95 140503 (2005) [doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.95.140503, arXiv:quant-ph/0505065]
Layla Hormozi, Georgios Zikos, Nicholas E. Bonesteel, Steven H. Simon, Topological Quantum Compiling, Phys. Rev. B 75 165310 (2007) [doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.75.165310, arXiv:quant-ph/0610111]
Layla Hormozi, Nicholas E. Bonesteel, Steven H. Simon, Topological Quantum Computing with Read-Rezayi States, Phys. Rev. Lett. 103 160501 (2009) [doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.103.160501, arXiv:0903.2239]
M. Baraban, Nicholas E. Bonesteel, Steven H. Simon, Resources required for topological quantum factoring, Phys. Rev. A 81 062317 (2010) [doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.81.062317, arXiv:1002.0537]
(focus on compiling Shor's algorithm)
Vadym Kliuchnikov, Alex Bocharov, Krysta M. Svore, Asymptotically Optimal Topological Quantum Compiling, Phys. Rev. Lett. 112 140504 (2014) [doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.112.140504, arXiv:1310.4150, talk recording: doi:10.48660/13100129]
Joren W. Brunekreef, Topological Quantum Computation and Quantum Compilation, Utrecht (2014) [hdl:20.500.12932/17738]
Yuan-Hang Zhang, Pei-Lin Zheng, Yi Zhang, Dong-Ling Deng, Topological Quantum Compiling with Reinforcement Learning, Phys. Rev. Lett. 125 170501 (2020) [doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.170501, arXiv:2004.04743]
Emil Génetay-Johansen, Tapio Simula, Section IV of: Fibonacci anyons versus Majorana fermions – A Monte Carlo Approach to the Compilation of Braid Circuits in Anyon Models, PRX Quantum 2 010334 (2021) [doi:10.1103/PRXQuantum.2.010334, arXiv:2008.10790]
Cheng-Qian Xu, D. L. Zhou, Quantum teleportation using Ising anyons, Phys. Rev. A 106 012413 (2022) [doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.106.012413, arXiv:2201.11923]
(focus on implemening the quantum teleportation-protocol with Ising anyons)
Approximating all topological quantum gates by just the weaves among all braids:
Steven H. Simon, Nick E. Bonesteel, Michael H. Freedman, N. Petrovic, Layla Hormozi, Topological Quantum Computing with Only One Mobile Quasiparticle, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96 (2006) 070503 (arXiv:quant-ph/0509175, doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.96.070503)
Layla Hormozi, Georgios Zikos, Nick E. Bonesteel, Steven H. Simon, Topological quantum compiling, Phys. Rev. B 75, 165310 (doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.75.165310, arXiv:quant-ph/0610111)
Mohamed Taha Rouabah, Compiling single-qubit braiding gate for Fibonacci anyons topological quantum computation (arXiv:2008.03542)
Last revised on December 28, 2024 at 10:52:47. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.